Olaala app for iPhone and iPad
Your best shopping experience is just a click away from your doorstep.
About us:
Online application and platform that includes a selection of influencers and brands under one shopping umbrella.
We aim to create a modern shopping environment that competes with the global market.
Our services:
- Continuous marketing of shops across different platforms.
- Online advertisements banners for companies and entrepreneurs.
- Safe and express shipping service with national and international online tracking.
Our services:
- Website
- Mobile application
- Safe e-pay Ordering and delivering gifts.
-Viewing and generating sales reports.
- Product customization.
- Maintaining usage privacy and safe payment.
-Saving time and effort in the process of selling goods and products.
- We provide influencers and entrepreneurs with an accessible and user-friendly online platform with a direct connection to the delivery service and the client.
- We provide our clients with an easy shopping opportunity wherever they are.